
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This famous (infamous? nah) European hot spot has gone through quite the metamorphosis since its days as the Roman settlement Londinium.The place was essentially the center of the universe from Imperialist European perspectives as they forged into the modern era; that attitude seems to have stuck with the people of the area (I kid, UK, I kid!). In fact, the country spends an exorbitant amount of money on its Queen, money that comes out of taxpayer dollars. But who am I to judge?Her wealth dwarfs what we pay some of our favorite movie stars and CEO's in the States. Maybe the British have it right! Good thing I don't live in 18th century America, or I would've been tarred and feathered for that.

Highlights: The history section is worth a read from start to finish; I found it interesting that the settlement was actually abandoned for a short period between Roman and Anglo-Saxon control. There's lots to be learned about Londoners' architecture, even if you think you know the important ones. Although, I was famously informed quite recently of exactly what "Big Ben" was, to the astonishment of everyone I knew, so apparently I know nothing about British buildings.

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