The choice is obvious, but I think it's a fun choice. I always enjoyed those Wikipedia pages that explain things to you like you're an alien that's never been to Earth. Most people who might find their way to this blog should already know the basics of Thanksgiving, so I'll move right along to...
-The event we usually think of as the “First Thanksgiving” (although there is evidence of earlier celebrations of the holiday) lasted three days and featured six different kinds of seafood, four different kinds of meat, and every easily accessible new England vegetable in existence! No wonder we have to overeat to keep this tradition alive.
- In its early days, the holiday was not set and observed on a particular day every year; rather, the current president would declare a specific day (often in mid-December, rather than November) as a Thanksgiving Day only on some years, as he saw fit. In fact, no Thanksgiving was declared at all between 1799 and 1814. Them thar were a slender 15 years for America, I'd imagine.
-All the traditional Thanksgiving dinner animals/plants (turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries) were native to the Americas, and largely foreign to the pilgrims.
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